Home-School Agreement
Home School Agreement 2024-25
We work hard to be a caring school community underpinned by our Christian values, where children participate, excel and take pride in their achievements.
Our Vision:
As a community, we are working together to ensure educational excellence underpinned by our Christian ethos and values, enabling all to live a rich and abundant life and to achieve their full potential. Each individual should leave us fully prepared for the next stage of their life. (Reflecting John 10:10)
Jesus said, ‘I have come to give life – life in all its fullness.’
Our Values:
I smile and say hello |
I care and have respect for everyone and everything |
I work hard and challenge myself |
I have a positive attitude |
I listen and I learn |
By working in close partnership with parents and carers, we aim to provide a high-quality education for your child.
Parents/Carers will…
- See that my child arrives at school on time and has the necessary equipment;
- Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour;
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour;
- Read with my child at home on at least three days per week;
- Support my child with homework and other opportunities for home learning;
- Attend parents’ evening and discussions about my child’s progress;
- Endeavour not to take my child on holidays during term time;
- Support the school in any school-based activity.
Snarestone Primary School will…
- Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment;
- Let parents know about any concerns or problems that may affect their child’s work or behaviour;
- Towards the end of the summer term, provide parents with an annual written report on their child’s progress;
- Hear your child read regularly, at least once per week and more often for younger children and where the need arises;
- Ensure that homework is manageable and that it follows a regular pattern;
- Arrange parents’ evenings during which your child’s progress will be discussed;
- Keep parents informed about school activities and special events through regular communications and updates.
As a parent or carer of a child in our school, you agree that we will work together to achieve these aims.