House Teams
At our school we have four house teams.
- GREEN represents Minorca house team
- YELLOW represents Pares house team
- RED represents Rawdon house team
- BLUE represents Varnham house team
Why have houses?
We feel the children benefit from being members of mixed age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other, gives them a strong sense of responsibility and belonging and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in.
What is the history behind the house names?
Our Pares and Varnham houses are names of bridges on the Ashby Canal which runs through Snarestone village.
Pares is bridge number 59 and Varnham is bridge number 60.
Our Minorca and Rawdon houses are names from local coal mines which shut in the early 1990s. Rawdon colliery site at Moira worked for about 150 years and was later redeveloped into the Conkers National Forest Discovery Centre. Minorca colliery on the outskirts of Measham is now an opencast mining site.
How are the houses managed?
Each house has house captains from Year 6. All houses are equally balanced with a numbers of boys and girls and numbers from Reception to Year 6 and are fully inclusive. Children are in the same teams as their brothers and sisters.
Children work in House Teams for various events such as Sports Day, competitions, fund raising events and more!
How do children get house points and tokens?
Children can earn house points for lots of different reasons. This includes following our Snarestone Way which are underpinned by our core Christian values. Children also earn points (sometimes called ‘merits or tokens’) for being good learners, completing home learning and reading at home, by showing effort and determination, confidence and for great personal achievement. Points are also awarded for working well with others by getting along, working as a team and being organised. Any member of staff can award house points.
If a child is sent to the Headteacher for outstanding work or behaviour, they are awarded a gold star.
How does a house win the house trophy?
House point tokens are awarded which are collected in house point tubes that are displayed centrally. At the end of each half term, tokens are added up and the House Trophy is awarded to the captains of the winning house.The cup is displayed in our school hall along with the colour ribbons representing the house that has won.
The winning house each half term are rewarded with a collective treat.