Our Collective Worship
We hold daily collective worship. Usually this takes place as a whole school, but it may sometimes take place in classrooms.
Every collective worship begins the same way by laying our worship table which represents the Holy Trinity:
A bible to represent God the Father
A cross to represent God the Son
A lit candle to represent God the Holy Spirit
Our collective worship is themed, centred around our vision and values. We read and discuss a 'Big Story from the Bible' each half-term linked to each of our values.
Our hall displays reflect and support our collective worship:
We regularly welcome local clergy to lead our collective worship:
We also love our regular 'Open the Book' collective worship:
Our annual Christingle service is always a particularly special occasion:
In November, we remember all those who have served and died for our country. Every year, we visit the Snarestone War Memorial, where we are silent and reflective as we lay our class wreaths:
We also visit the National Memorial Arboretum where we hold worship. It is always such a reflective day:
Some of our remembrance displays around school:
Our Prayer Leaders
Each class has a small team of Prayer Leaders, whose job it is to set up the worship table, get involved with leading worship, write and read out prayers and reflections, and support teachers and classes in developing their reflective areas.