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School Admissions

Snarestone C of E (Aided) Primary School recognises the right of parents to express a preference of the particular school that they would like their child(ren) to attend. The Governing Board, which is responsible for admissions to this school, have agreed to follow the principles described in the Co-ordinated Scheme for Admission to Primary Schools.

Places are allocated in accordance with the Governing Board's policy. The initial admission may not exceed the Pupil Admission Number (PAN), which is currently set at 15.

Current legislation requires that the number of pupils in a Key Stage 1 class should not exceed 30. This may influence the number of places available in any one year.

For further information about admissions, speak to Alison Barbour in our office (01530 270598), or to the Admissions Team of Leicestershire Local Authority (0116 3056684 or email

Parents and carers of children turning five from September 2025 can start to apply for a school place from 1st September 2024, and should note that the process closes 15th January 2025. You must apply for a school place through the home Local Authority that you live in, and the best way to apply if you live in Leicestershire is through the Leicestershire County Council online system.   Please use the links below.

Appeals should be via the Leicester Diocesan Board of Education website by following this link: 

Admissions for 2024-25 and 2025-26

For these academic years, the LA and Leicester Diocese are not consulting on the Admissions Policy. This is due to no changes being required and it being within a 7-year consultation period cycle.