Sports Premium
NWLSSP Spirit of the Games Values that our school has adopted and strive to always achieve.
Sports Provision:
We provide a very wide range of sports and physical activities to ensure the participation and engagement of all pupils. We are well supported in this by our Sports Partnership coach who visits school weekly. This has included athletics, badminton, cross country, dance, dodgeball, football, gymnastics, orienteering, table tennis, tag-rugby, tennis, zumba, ultimate Frisbee and more!
We believe that exercise supports a healthy attitude and lifestyle, and all children take part in at least 2 hours PE each week. We aim for lessons to be fun, and to develop skills regardless of ability - this also includes developing the skills of the more able and elite youngsters (for which we have excellent links to local clubs).
Please click the link to see the North West Leicestershire Schools Sports Partnership website to show what, as a school and in our wider community, we have access to.
We also are a huge champion of community sporting opportunities and encourage our children to get active and be inspired. Please download our Sports Partnership clubs link document below. If there is a club not listed , or a sport you are interested in getting involved with, please speak to the school PE Lead who will source a local community club link that meets your interests.
Sports Funding:
The government provides us with sports funding each year to support PE provision in our school. We ensure that this funding is used to meet the objectives below. Governors monitor the spending to ensure that it is used appropriately.
Currently this is set as £16,640 for the academic year 2024-25 to our school. We have an audit by our Schools Sports Partnership to ensure we are spending the grant effectively.
What are our objectives?
- To improve the quality of children’s learning in P.E. lessons
- To introduce more specialist teaching for P.E.
- To develop and improve staff P.E. skills
- To support team building and increase our involvement in competitions
- To continue to offer a wide variety of extra-curricular sports
- To ensure all pupils in school have access to physical activities that interest and motivate them
- To promote the lifelong enjoyment of sport and physical activity
- To ensure that our curriculum offers opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and understanding of what makes a healthy lifestyle
- To promote and develop strategies around Pupil Wellbeing
- To ensure all monies spent, and initiatives introduced are sustainable.
How are we doing this and what is the impact?
- Close links with our North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership who provide a high quality coach for half a day each week.
- Links to My School Games sports initiatives - A unique opportunity to inspire young people to take part in competitive school sport, and each year to strive to achieve their kite mark for quality and inclusive PE and competition (see link - search Snarestone Primary and see our blogs and what we have been doing.
- All children participate in these coached sessions.
- Staff coach alongside to develop their own skills and knowledge
- Our 'Active Lunchtimes' ethos... exercise the body, strengthen the mind.
We subscribe to Club Activ8. Once parents register (see paragraph below) their child they receive weekly points during term time based on the price of a Junior swim e.g. 25 points to be used at participating leisure centres. These points can be used weekly or saved to pay for more expensive activities and 1 point equals 10p. Pupils attending after school PE clubs, and external out of school clubs, are credited with extra points for each club therefore reducing the real cost of our sports clubs to participating parents.
We would ask parents to following this link, and scroll down to see a sign ‘online sign up’. Once parents have filled in the application, it will be received at the centre and processed within a week so the child and parents can collect their club activ8 card from reception of their designated leisure centre.